As I mentioned on MSN, I got a tight schdule for fun.

The followings are the thing I gotta to do in few weeks.

May 11, dinner time: with Ray and Elisa, celebrate they have a baby!!

Late night: with some friends, go to lounge bar in the city

May 12, afternoon: BBQ party with friends in one of the national parks in Jersey

Late night: pick up my parents in Newark

May 13, Princeton tour and shopping mall tour with family in Jersey

May 14, Go to my cousin's place in Long Island

May 15, My graduation ceremony!+ Woodbury outlet shopping
(Anyone wanna come!!??)

May 16, Jack's graduation ceremony

May 17, Statue of liberty and broadway show (Lion King)

May 18, City Tour + Blue Notes (Shopping and NBA game)

May 19, not decide yet

May 20, My parents going home

May 25-May 27 Jack's sis comes (Probably we will have a farewell party for Jack on this weekend)

May 29, Jack leaves

Jun 7-28, in Germany!!!!

So, guys, u know my sechdule now!!! Execpet these days, let's have fun!!!!

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